E-Life is a collection of inclusive activities for people of all ages and abilities.
Inclusion is a lifestyle.
What is E-Life?
E-Life is a collection of Bay Area community service programs that promote inclusion in all aspects of life, because inclusion should not be limited to the classroom. From gardening to photography, E-Life provides activities for any person at any age and life stage.
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Our Story
E-Life will bring our inclusive mantra into new areas such as farming, music, art, and gaming while we maintain and continue to develop E-Sports, the inclusive sports program we established and have been expanding since April 2000. These new initiatives will enable us to spread the mindset of inclusion to more individuals of all different ages and abilities.
Find out more about our programs and get involved
1050 W Remington Dr
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
If you're interested then let us know and one of our coordinators will contact you!